School Competitions
Aureol Insurance Company will hold its annual school essay competition CORRUPTION is SIERRA LEONE's CANCER. DISCUSS between the
26th August- 18th October 2024 for:
1. Senior Secondary School: 400 -450 words
2. Colleges / Universities: 500 -600 words
Cash prizes will be won from various categories. WINNERS will be required to show evidence of their levels.
Entries should be sent to: with their names and telephone numbers & hard copies to be dropped off at Kissy House, 54 Siaka Stevens Street, Freetown.
Aureol Insurance Company will hold its annual school essay competition on the 18th September - 17th November 2023 for:
1. Senior Secondary School: 400 -450 words
2. Colleges / Universities: 500 -600 words
Cash prizes will be won from various categories.
Entries should be sent to: & hard copies to be dropped off at Kissy House, 54 Siaka Stevens Street, Freetown.