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Meet The Management Team

In the Insurance Business, the Company is only as good as its staff and Aureol Insurance Company can boast of a formidable team who are professionally qualified with a wealth of experience in Insurance. 


Their qualification and experience embrace Underwriting, Risk Management and Claims Management.  We pride ourselves on offering a prompt and authoritative response to our client’s needs.


Since its inception, Aureol Insurance Company has always enjoyed the services of highly trained, dedicated and innovative Management team.


Raymond Macauley

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BA Gen., CPCU, MBA, AIS, ACIArb, FWAII Managing Director

Mr  Macauley was appointed Managing Director of Aureol Insurance Company Limited in 2019. He is a Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) from the American Institute for Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters.  He served as member of the Academic Board of the West African Insurance Institute (WAII) and is currently a visiting Lecturer in Risk Management.  He is also a Member of the Governing Council and was awarded a Fellow of the West African Insurance Institute (FWAII).  He is the current President of the West African Insurance Companies Association (WAICA) and the Sierra Leone Insurance Association (SLIA)


Mrs Viola Jones

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Dip. Ins. (WAII), Dip. ICSA. Company Secretary/HR Manager

Viola joined the Company in 1989 and has worked in various Departments including Statistics/ Reinsurance, Claims, Life, Underwriting and Internal Audit Departments.  She has held various positions including Assistant Manager – Underwriting Dept. and Internal Auditor.


Mr Keikura Gbao

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Dip. Ins. WAII, Dip. Bus. Admin, Dip. Ins. CII, BSc.(Hons.) Bus. Admin. MBA Claims Manager

Mr Gbao joined the Company in 1989. He has held various positions including Assistant Manager – Underwriting (Head and Branch Offices) and has worked in the Life, Claims and Underwriting Departments.  He was Officer-inCharge of the Bo Branch from 2002 to 2006.


Mr Richmond Coker

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MAAT Accounts Manager

Mr Coker joined the Company in 1991.  He is a Fellow member of the Association of Accounting Technicians and has served the Company for 29 years.


Mrs Susan Kosia-Gande

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Int. Dip. in Admin/Personal Asst. & Secretarial Duties (CIC) - UK. Personal Assistant to the Managing Director

Susan joined the Company in 1987 and has worked in the Underwriting Department, Offices of the General Manager and Managing Director.


Mrs Marian Kargbo

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BSc. Econs, IFC, Dip. Ins.WAII, MBA, ACII. Assistant Manager – Underwriting

Marian Kargbo joined the Company in 2002.  She has worked in various Departments including Underwriting, Medical, Life, Marketing and Internal Audit Departments.


Mrs Matilda Hughes

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DIP. BUS Studies, BSc (Hons.) in Business Studies, IFC, Dip. Ins. WAII, Cert. CII Assistant Manager – Reinsurance/ Statistics

Matilda Hughes joined the Company in 2004 and is currently working in the Reinsurance/Statistics Department.

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Mrs Rosetta Cole

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Certificate in Vocational Studies, IFC, Certificate in Motor & General Insurances (C.Re)Dip.Ins. WAII


Assistant Manager – Life and Medical

Rosetta Cole joined the Company in 1999 and has worked in the Underwriting and Medical

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