Aureol Insurance is today recognized both locally and internationally as one of the leading Insurance provider in Sierra Leone. The Company has Shareholders funds of Le58 Billion and Insurance funds of Le82 Billion which demonstrates the financial strength of our Company.
Our company is fully composite i.e. we underwrite all classes of business.
In addition to the traditional lines viz Fire, Marine, Motor and Accident, we offer Engineering Insurance, Electronic Insurance, Life Assurance, Medical Insurance and World Wide Travel Insurance.
In the Medical Insurance field, we are proud to mention that we are the first Company in Sierra Leone to offer such cover.
The range of products we offer have enabled us to provide insurance cover for the compulsory provisions under the Insurance Act 2016. The provisions include:
Compulsory fire insurance for tenantable or public properties. Tenantable properties are colleges, hospitals, entertainment centres, office buildings, factories, shops and dwelling houses with tenant.
An employer who employs more than 5 persons should take out an employers’ liability Insurance for such employees. An insurance policy of such nature will cover death or injury to the employee whilst in the course of employment.
All buildings above two storeys under construction should be insured against public liability. Public liability covers death or injury to members of the public as well as damage to neighbouring properties as a result of excavation and falling objects.
All properties and liabilities in Sierra Leone that is to be insured must be insured by a locally incorporated insurance company
All goods imported into Sierra Leone should be insured with a local insurer
Medical practitioners, dental surgeons, pharmacists, laboratory technicians practicing in Sierra Leone should have a Professional Indemnity insurance
In addition to these we offer the following policies:
Contractors All Risks, Erection All Risks, Plants and Equipment All Risks, Machinery Breakdown, Electronics Equipment Cover, Assets All Risks, Business Interruption as a result of a fire loss, Burglary, Personal Accident, Cash in Transit, Vault/Safe, Goods in Transit, Personal Accident, Group Life (Death in Service of an Employee),Mortgage Protection, Money Back (Osusu),Medical Insurance with Evacuation option.
As is common throughout the world Insurance Industry, the direct Insurer requires reinsurance support for it major risks and Aureol is no different because our reputation has enabled us secure support from Internationally rated reinsurers who do not only provide us with capacity but also with valuable technical assistance, risk management and specialized surveys when necessary.
Our emphasis on customer care, high standards of underwriting for all the classes of insurance and efficient claims administration have all enabled us to be the premier insurer in Sierra Leone. Our clients include Blue Chip Companies who recognize the excellent security and service that we provide. Our client profile includes but not limited to the following:
Banks/Financial Institutions:
Standard Chartered Bank, Union Trust Bank, Rokel Commercial Bank, Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, Guaranty Trust Bank, Bank of Sierra Leone, ECOBANK, Skye Bank, Zenith Bank, Capital Discount House.
Diplomatic Missions:
US Embassy, The German Embassy, European Union, The British Council, British High Commission
Telecommunication Companies:
Orange and Sagemcom
Manufacturing Companies:
Sierra Leone Brewery Limited, Sierra Leone Bottling Company, Milla Group, G Shankerdas and Sons Limited, Sierra Agra.
NGO’s and UN Agencies:
WFP, Peace Corps Sierra Leone, GIZ, Goal Sierra Leone, World Vision International, Irish Aid, Marie Stopes Society etc.
Other Corporate Clients:
DHL, Maersk Shipping, National Petroleum Company Ltd., Total (SL) Ltd, Petroleum Regulatory Agency, National Mineral Agency, Nectar Group etc.